F-Factor Diet Review

F Factor Diet Review
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In the F-Factor diet the F stands for fiber. The diet encourages dieters to eat high fiber foods and lean proteins to reach their weight loss goals.

The diet was developed by registered dietician, Tanya Zuckerbot. It comes with meal plans, a food line and other branded products.

The F-Factor is based on four core principals that include the following:

  • Eating the right carbs
  • Eating out in restaurants
  • Drinking alcohol if you choose to
  • Exercising less

Admittedly, these are unusual principals for a diet to follow, but the idea behind this flexible approach is that it’s designed to be more sustainable than other diets. Furthermore, it’s based on the science of physiology and anatomy that don’t change with dieting.

What to Expect

Unlike many diets on the market today, F-Factor does not provide you with pre-packaged meals. However, they do provide their own food line which includes high protein bars and powders.

The services F-Factor offers includes one on one nutrition counseling classes which come with a dietary and body analysis, personalized meal plans, progress tracking, and lifestyle and skills support. You can meet with your nutritionist in person or via Skype. Packages are available at an Exclusive, Premium or Associate level.

Group nutrition counseling is also available. This less expensive option provides education and support for dieters similar to the one on one package. It includes 8 week sessions with 5-15 participants.

Other services available include supermarket tours, fridge and pantry makeovers, cooking classes, home visits and wellness and weight loss programs.

How the Diet Works

Although each dieter’s menu will be customized according to their individual needs, here’s how the diet works.

Dieters are encouraged to eat three meals and one snack a day. The recommended foods are high in fiber and low in calories and there are plenty of lean proteins added in. Meal plans are designed to include foods that will keep you feeling fuller longer to minimize feelings of deprivation.

There are different phases of the F-Factor Diet. Each increases your net carb intake until you reach your goal.

Net carbs are the digestible carbs your body breaks down after accounting for sugar and fiber. They are calculated by subtracting the fiber content from the carbs in the foods you eat. The F-Factor diet provides 20-130 grams of carbs a day and is therefore considered a low carb diet.

Recommended foods include complex carbs like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. The diet encourages eliminating foods like refined grains, added sugar and processed food which are considered simple carbs.

The aforementioned phases of the diet are as follows:

  • Phase 1: During this phase, your recommended meal plan will include fewer than 35 net carbs a day. These will be spread over your 3 meals and it is made to jumpstart your weight loss.
  • Phase 2: For this phase, your net carbs will be increased to fewer than 75 grams. These will be spread out over 6 servings.
  • Phase 3: During this final phase, net carbs will be increased to less than 125 a day and it will be spread over 9 servings. This is a dietary recommendation that you should stick to indefinitely to maintain a healthy weight.

Is the F-Factor Diet Effective?

The F-Factor has been around for 20 years and has helped several people lose weight. It is based on the scientific evidence that fiber can help you lose weight. Here is how fiber works in the body to promote weight loss:

  • Adds Bulk to Foods: Fiber adds bulk to food to help you feel fuller longer.
  • Slows Digestion: The fact that fiber slows digestion also contributes to the fact that you feel fuller longer. It supports blood sugar that is already in a normal range which minimizes cravings and boosts energy.
  • Boosts Metabolism: The body does not absorb fiber which means it does not add calories to your diet. However, the body attempts to absorb it resulting in a process that boosts metabolism and speeds up weight loss.
  • Absorbs Calories: Fiber swells the stomach so it absorbs calories and fat from other foods in the meal before the body can absorb them.
  • Satisfies Hunger: High fiber foods require more chewing. This prompts the secretion of saliva which promotes satiety.

In addition to promoting weight loss, here are some other benefits a high fiber diet offers:

  • Reduces bloat
  • Prevents constipation and promotes regularity
  • Supports healthy cholesterol levels
  • Promotes a clearer complexion
  • Boosts energy
  • Improves sleep
  • Improves overall health

In addition to all this, the flexibility the F-Factor diet offers makes it easy to follow.

The F-Factor is based on a scientifically proven weight loss solution and it gives you the wiggle room you need to keep from feeling deprived. Try it out to see how it helps you reach your fitness goals.

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