The Acid Alkaline Diet Review

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When thinking of how our bodies work, it’s all about balance, and this includes the measure of acids and alkalies. Optimal health is achieved when alkalies and acids are at their proper levels and the Acid Alkaline Diet aims to keep these levels where they should be. Read on to find out more about how it works.

What is the Acid Alkaline Diet?

In its natural state, our bodies are slightly alkaline with a PH that ranges at about 7.40. Nutritional experts argue that eating foods that are acidic, like red meat, can throw your body out of whack. Regular consumption of these foods can cause poor health and lead to other complications.

The Diet works by ensuring that alkaline forming foods are the ones you will consume most. These smarter eating choices can help improve health and can help with weight loss as well.

To follow the diet, it is recommended that you read the book, “Acid Alkaline Diet for Dummies”. This will provide a guideline as to which foods are acid forming and which are not.

Exercise on the Acid Alkaline Diet

The Acid Alkaline Diet does not provide a steady exercise regimen, but physical activity is highly recommended. Most experts suggest getting at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days of the week to improve health, maintain weight and boost energy.

Nutrition on the Acid Alkaline Diet

To follow a balanced Acid Alkaline Diet, it is recommended to consume foods at an 80/20 ratio where 80% of the food you eat is alkalizing while the other 20% is acid forming. Recommended alkalizing foods include fruits and vegetables, sprouted grains, almonds, lentils, tofu and soy products. Foods that should be kept to a minimum include red meat, processed foods, whole dairy, breads high in yeast, wheat products and sugary snacks and drinks.

There should be no need to weigh foods to ensure they are in balance. Rather, eyeballing and making the appropriate substitutions should be sufficient.

Smoking and drinking can also affect PH level and as can a lack of exercise, drinking coffee excessively and taking drugs. Use common sense and moderation to modify behavior.

Reviews of the Acid Alkaline Diet

The Acid Alkaline Det has been highly ranked by health care professionals. Here’s what some dieters have to say after following the diet according to the ‘Acid Alkaline Diet for Dummies’ book:

“This book is well written and easy to understand. Bought it as I need more information on diet and eating while on chemotherapy. Would recommend it to all who are interested in balanced eating.”

“I love the way this book is written. Very easy to understand (what I was hoping for) and yet detailed enough to explain things fully. Very happy with the recipes as well. This book is encouraging for me. I’ll just start wherever I can and work from there a little at a time to make the changes in my diet that I hope to make.”

“I read a lot of health books and this is one of the best I have ever read. Bought several copies for relatives. Insightful and easy to read. Everyone needs the information contained here to make better health and diet decisions.”

Advantages of the Acid Alkaline Diet

  • A lot of recipes available
  • Diet can improve health
  • Diet can help you lose weight
  • Fiber packed foods can help you feel fuller longer
  • Making foods at home can you to prepare them to your liking

Disadvantages of the Acid Alkaline Diet

  • Difficult to keep track of which foods are alkaline formers and which are acid formers
  • Must be prepared to make most foods at home


This diet may not be the easiest to follow, but its health benefits and variety of recipes can make the effort well worth it. Highly recommended by health care and weight loss professionals, this may be one the Acid Alkaline Diet is definitely worth trying.

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